Friday, September 13, 2013

Do You Reject the Rejection by Bro. Bo Sanchez

You won’t close every sale, no matter what you do.
       Because some people won’t like you.
       In fact, along the way, you’ll get lambasted, criticized, ridiculed.
       In a word, you’ll be rejected.
       Well, I have another word for you: Reject the rejection.  Because somewhere near that door that just shut, you’ll find a door that is open.  So keep on looking. 
Eleonor Roosevelt was right when she said, No one can make you feel inferior without your consent…
Some Great Failures You May Know…
       One day, a man was taking a train ride feeling dejected because he wasn’t accepted in a writing job he was applying for.  The editor who evaluated his work said he “lacked creativity.”  In that train ride, this man was doodling in his little note pad and a little mouse was born on that piece of paper.  That mouse’s name was Mickey, and that man’s name was Walt Disney.
       Do you think Albert Einstein was esteemed by all his teachers and classmates alike?  Think again.  As a kid, one professor said Albert’s grades were very mediocre, he was the most likely student to amount to nothing.
       Thomas Edison had more than a thousand failed experiments before he invented the light bulb.  A thousand!   It was he who said, Our greatest weakness lies in giving up.  The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.  He reaped the fruit of that principle as he has, aside from that light bulb, 1,092 inventions under his name.
       I’ve failed more times than Edison.  In the past twenty years, as a leader of many organizations, I’ve made many mistakes, and some people hated me for them.  (I’ve also made a lot of good decisions, and some people hated me for them as well!)  At any one point in my life, I simply could have given in to my fears and hung the towel and said, “That’s it.  I’m quitting.”  But I don’t have to follow my fears if the deepest voice in my heart says, “Go on.  Do what’s right.”
       In any job, whether you’re a salesman meeting hundreds of people a day or an accountant locked up in your cubicle, rejection is a given.  It’s just merely a question of when it will come, from whom, and how you’re going to respond to it.
       The best response is to keep on looking for the open door.
       If you’ve got something that people need, and you advertise it, people will be opening their doors to you.
       You don’t have to close every sale to succeed.     
Have you experienced some rejection?  They’ve lost a wonderful opportunity to work with you and gain your services.  Keep walking.  Keep searching.  There’s a lucky person out there, a fortunate company out there who will receive your blessing. 
Write down now a long list of other doors you can look into!
       May your dreams come true,
       Bo Sanchez

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