Thursday, July 5, 2012



When Jesus saw how much faith they had, he said to the paralyzed man, “Courage, my son! Your sins are forgiven.” – Matthew 9:2
Icia didn’t know how to react to the invitation from her school. She was chosen as part of the high school delegation that would go to Rome to witness the canonization of their blessed foundress. She was of course excited, but she became troubled when she learned that her family has to cover all the travel and incidental expenses.
She knew that this financial requirement was a major hurdle. She conditioned herself that she wouldn’t be able to join the delegation even before she presented the invitation to her parents. “Do you really want to join this?” her dad asked her. She nodded her head. Her dad then suggested that she write to friends, family and fellow community members to ask for assistance.
Icia followed her dad’s instructions. Her parents were able to allot some amount from their family savings. After a couple of months, she was able to solicit more than enough for her travel. Her visa to Italy was also approved with no hitches. Through her faith in God and action, she was able to join the delegation and became a witness to a truly magnificent event. Alvin Fabella (
Do you have problems that seem too big to overcome? Don’t despair. God will always be there for you.
Lord, You said that we must have faith like the mustard seed. May our trials in life serve as opportunities for us to grow our faith in You.
                                                                                                                    (from Kerygma Didache)

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