Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Keep the FAITH by Bro. Louie

Life is full of surprises. Actually Life itself is a surprise! Who would have thought that I will be doing a blog like this? Who would have thought that YOU are going to read a blog like this? Indeed it is a surprise that we are all enjoying more privileges that the earlier generations haven't experienced.

A person will experience different kinds of surprises as long as He/ She lives. Even after death, we can still experience surprise! But what if the surprise you are experiencing is a miserable, gloomy event such as an unexpected problem beyond your wildest control and imagination like a a waiter accidentally spilled coffee on your favorite shirt or your partner abandoned you together with your four little puppies etc.  How would you react? What would you do?

I believe that life surprises are products of two powerful movements. These are your circle of CONTROL and your circle of CONCERN. Circle of control are influenced from your own choices and actions. You cannot win a lottery unless you first bought a lottery ticket. You cannot ask God to make you a millionaire in lottery if you haven’t yet bought even a sinlgle lottery ticket right? You have to act first because that is part of your circle of control. But the end result will all be out of your hands anymore. No matter how hard you think and how many sleepless nights you will have, you will not be able to manipulate the results because the results are all part of your circle of concerns. What to do with these concerns since we cannot control it anyway?
To make our life a lot easier and fruitful, we should learn to surrender all our circle of concerns to God. It is all up to God in the end and everything will be according to HIS loving plan and expect a perfect SURPRISE.

Some might say, so God wants me to remain poor because HE doesn’t allow me to win even a single number in a lottery. Friends, I firmly believe that God doesn’t want anyone of us to remain poor, get hurt, experience trials etc. God simply wants the best for us. Our plans might be smaller than what God wants us to receive. If you became an instant millionaire in lottery, do you think your character as a whole will grow? The reason why most lottery winners lose all their winnings after a year or two is because they lack something like financial literacy, discipline etc. and God doesn’t want us to experience that. God wants us to become multimillionaires for the rest of our life according to God’s perfect loving, time.

If you are still in doubt to surrender all your circle of concerns to God because you don’t believe that God wants only the best for you then, just think of this perfect loving sacrifice that God gave for us. He gave HIS only Son JESUS CHRIST  to save us from eternal suffering and death. Because men continuously disobeyed GOD and followed the wrong path which will lead to men’s extinction just like dinosaurs. God immediately  acted and gave HIS only begotten SON to show us the right path and save us from our sins and from eternal death. Whoa! Imagine that kind of sacrifice, who could ever do that my friends? Don’t you think that we are so blessed that we are worshipping not a punishing God but a very loving God who will do anything to win us back and give us more than what we deserve in life.

Friends whatever surprise you are into, please follow this very simple life procedure. Use every God given blessings you have on all your circle of control and Surrender all your circle of concerns to GOD and keep the FAITH.

Have a blessed week my friends.

Bro. Louie

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