Monday, April 29, 2013

You Act According To How You Define Yourself, Whether It’s True Or Not by Bro. Bo Sanchez

Change the Self-Portrait you carry in your heart.
Because you will act according to your Self-Portrait,whether it is true or not.  It could be a total lie (“You’re evil, you’re selfish, you’re ugly, you’re poor…”), but because you believe in it, you’ll be faithful to it and manifest its reality.
That’s why when you change your Self-Portrait, you actually change your life.
Remember: God’s Portrait of you is very different from the Self-Portrait you carry about yourself.  While yours is usually based on your past, His portrait of you is always based on your future.
So He paints a Portrait of you that is always beautiful and amazing and lovely.
       How do you get your Self-Portrait from God?
       Listen to His quiet voice within you.  What does He say in your heart?  And what does He say through His Word?  And what does He say through the Church?

You’re More Important Than The Universe
Because You’re A Child Of God

       Every Saturday night is sacred for me. 
Because that’s when I go up to my “cave”, my tiny home office at the back of my house, to prepare for my weekly talk for the next day.  (By the way, you’re most welcome to join us.  I preach at the FEAST every Sunday at PICC.  For details, call up 7259999.)
One Saturday night, I arrived from Pampangga.  As I drove home, I had my plans all set up.  After kissing my wife and hugging my kids, I’d make a beeline towards my cave, shut the door, and prepare for my talk.
But my plan was not to be.  Because as I entered my home and hugged my kids, my 7-year old said, “Daddy, can you play with me?”
“Sure!” I found myself saying automatically, hiding any sign of reluctance from my voice.  You see, through the years, I’ve had a lot of practice saying “Yes!” even if all I wanted to say was, “No!  Can’t you see I’m busy?”
As a father, I’ve made it my policy to always say “Yes!” when my son asks, “Daddy, can you play with me?”  Because I know that a day is coming when my son will no longer ask that question, “Daddy, can you play with me?”  He’ll grow up fast and will have other things to do.  So while he asks that question, my answer should always be “Yes!”

God Always Says “Yes” When You Need Him

So I sat on the floor and played Pokemon with him. 
As I held the tiny Pikachu figure in my hand, I began to think of the thousands of people who would be listening to me at the FEAST the next day.  I also thought of the thousands more around the world who would be listening through TV, Radio, and the internet.  So what was I doing there sitting on the floor with this yellow plastic mouse-like creature in my hand?
Answer: Doing my most important ministry, loving my son.
At the end of the day, my son is more important than the thousands of people who listen to me.  Simply because I’m his Daddy and he’s my son.
Why did I share this story to you?
Never forget that you’re God’s Child
In His heart, you’re more important than the entire universe. 
When you call on Him, He’s there. 
When you pray, He’s listening. 
When you ask, He gives you the best version of what you’re asking for.  (Not necessarily what you ask for, because you sometimes ask what is second best.)
You’re His Child.  Bask in His love for you!
Each morning, wake up and shout to the universe: “I’m a Child of God!”

May your dreams come true,

Bo Sanchez