Saturday, September 1, 2012

LOVE IS SPELLED A-L-L by bro. bo sanchez

“For to everyone who has, more will be given and he will grow rich.” – Matthew 25:29
Nothing is too small for God. Look at the Bible and see for yourself. Moses used a simple walking stick to part the Red Sea and save an entire nation. Gideon used a little trumpet to defeat the Midianite army. Samson used a donkey’s jawbone to slay a thousand Philistines. David used a stone from a river to knock down Goliath and win back the honor of Israel. Elisha used a piece of cloth to divide the Jordan River. Peter used his shadow to heal the sick. And Jesus used five pieces of bread to feed the multitudes.
The lesson? Small is not small when you give it to a big God.
Perhaps you feel that you don’t amount to anything. You feel like you’re that walking stick. Or that little trumpet. Or that jawbone.
Or that small stone. Or that piece of cloth. But I have good news for you. No matter how small you think you are, God has big plans for your life. He doesn’t measure the size of what you give. Instead, He measures the size of what is left after you give.
I invite you to make a decision to give your all to God today.
When you do this, I assure you: You’ll receive big returns in every area of your life. Bo Sanchez (